Atlanta 10/7/2011 1:03:57 AM
News / Entertainment

Survivor South Pacific Recap: Jim and Cochran Form Alliance

The fourth episode of Survivor opens at Savaii’s camp where Jim approaches Cochran about targeting Ozzy’s closest ally Elyse. Cochran realizes the offer may be his only hope of surviving elimination in the coming weeks so he agrees to secretly team up with Jim. He then approaches Dawn, another tribe outcast, about going along with the plan. Dawn readily agrees.

Meanwhile, over at Upolu Brandon continues to get himself into trouble. He tells Edna that she is considered a dispensable part of the alliance between himself, Coach, Rick, Albert and Sophie. The information prompts Edna to up her social game, but her efforts only annoy her tribe mates.

Before getting down to business at the next immunity challenge, the Redemption Island duel was held. Papa Bear had to face off against Christine, who won last week’s duel. The challenge was simple: Papa Bear and Christine had to toss beanbags on to ten raised blocks. The first person to get a bean bag on top of each block won the duel and remains in the game until the next duel. Christine took an early lead and won her second redemption duel.

For the immunity challenge, two guys and one girl from each tribe had to stand on pedestals and balance a pole on their back while the opposing tribe weighed them down with 10 lbs. bags. The last person holding their pole won immunity for their tribe. It eventually came down between Dawn and Stacey. Dawn won immunity for Savaii.

Back at Upolu, Stacey realizes she is probably on the chopping block because she is not part of a big alliance. Her suspicions are correct and she became the fourth castaway to be voted off Survivor: South Pacific.


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