Sheridan 10/7/2011 2:29:55 AM
News / People

Demands made to Restore the Constitution

Two patriotic groups have issued a call to action for Americans nationwide. The United States Patriots Union, LLC and the Veteran Defenders of America have partnered to call for peaceful disobedience against the abuses and usurpations of power by the current leadership in Washington, D.C.

The Obama administration and US Congress has shown that it does not have the approval or confidence of the American people. During the last three years offenses have been made against the people, states and Constitution that are unacceptable in a constitutional republic. Our current leaders’ actions have amounted to treason and have lead to this call to restore the Constitution in the United States of America.

It is time for Americans to come together and let Washington know that we will not stand for the continued harassment of the document that our country is founded on. We must stand together in defense of the Constitution, the Republic, freedom and liberty. To restore the Constitution we must first remove from power those who have ignored what it says. We call for Barack Obama and his cabinet members to resign immediately and unconditionally. We also call for the resignations of others, such as Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

To demonstrate how serious we are there we call on the citizens of America to come show your support and join The Veteran Defenders of America and The United States Patriots Union in a “unified march” from all fifty states to Washington, D.C. We call for Americans who care about the Republic and support our troops to show the government that we will not sit idly by as the Constitution is ravaged. Show up on Veterans Day, November 11, 2011 in defense of freedom, liberty and justice.

Non-member supporters can follow the mission on our Facebook page at Show your support by adding your names to the list of people tired of the direction America is heading.