Miami 10/7/2011 3:45:02 AM
News / Law

Florida may see influx of immigrants

Harsh immigration laws in Georgia and Alabama have caused a number of illegal immigrants to flee the states and may cause an influx of immigrants into Florida.

In Georgia and Alabama, the new laws make it illegal for a person to hire or rent a home to an undocumented immigrant who could obtain legal status by employing an immigration attorney. These immigrants who fear deportation will likely flee to neighboring states such as Florida that haven’t enacted tough immigration laws.

Not only are the tough immigration laws causing migrant workers to flee, but they are also affecting the agriculture business. Alabama’s tough immigration laws went into effect last week and farmers in the states are feeling the crunch. Farmers often depend on migrant workers, many of whom have temporary working visas, to harvest their crops.

These farmers use immigrants because American workers are reluctant to do the hard work and expect higher wages. Immigrants who want to work in the states can get work visas with the help of a Florida immigration lawyer.

There have been several states that have passed tough immigration laws, which are being challenged in federal court. These laws are an effort to quell the number of illegal immigrants in each of these states. The communities that neighbor these states, like Florida, may very well see their immigrant population increase. Illegal immigrants all face deportation if they do not obtain legal status. They can avoid this by enlisting an immigration attorney to get legal status.