X Factor judges picked the top 32 contestants on Thursday’s episode. The group was split in to four smaller groups: The Girls, The Boys, Groups and Over 30s. Each group will be mentored by a judge.
The finalists are:
The Girls: Mentored By Simon Cowell
Caitlin Koch
Tora Woloshin
Simone Battle
Drew Ryniewicz
Rachel Crow
Jazzlyn Little
Melanie Amaro
Tiah Tolliver
The Boys: Mentored by LA Reid
Brennin Hunt
Brian Bradley
Skyelor Anderson
Nick Voss
Tim Cifers
Phillip Lomax
Marcus Canty
Chris Rene
Groups: Mentored by Paula Abdul
Stereo Hogzz
4 Shore
The Brewer Boys
Illusion Confusion
The Anser
Over 30s: Mentored by Nicole Scherzinger
Elaine Gibbs
Tiger Budbill
Leroy Bell
James Kenney
Josh Krajcik
Krista Collins
Dexter Haygood
Stacey Francis
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