New York, NY 6/25/2009 2:02:09 AM
News / Health & Wellness

New Mesothelioma Resource Website Launched for Asbestos Exposure Victims

IQ Mesothelioma is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, a comprehensive source of support and information for mesothelioma patients and their family members, caretakers, and friends.  A national database of mesothelioma specialists and cancer treatment centers, articles on a number of mesothelioma related topics, a database of mesothelioma clinical trials, and more helpful resources are now just a click away on one easy to navigate site.


With IQ Mesothelioma, mesothelioma patients can search for local mesothelioma specialists and cancer treatment centers by state in order to help them find the medical care they need. Informational articles about the types of mesothelioma treatments, choosing a mesothelioma doctor, choosing a cancer treatment facility, and cancer support groups are also featured on the site. A detailed article about clinical trials, which test new mesothelioma drugs and treatments, can help you decide if participating in a clinical trial is an option you want to discuss with your doctor. Site visitors can use our searchable database of clinical trials to explore the types of clinical trials that you may be eligible for.


Individuals who are exposed to asbestos, usually through workplace exposure or significant environmental contact, have an increased chance of developing asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma. IQ Mesothelioma offers information about known asbestos exposure areas in each state to help site visitors determine if they have been exposed. A list of mesothelioma cancer support groups, a list of cancer foundations and charities by state, and asbestos news headlines are also available on the site.


If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns on your mind. At IQ Mesothelioma, we offer free resources and information that can help you through this difficult time. No one should have to face mesothelioma alone. Our goal is to help you find the doctor, treatment center, and support group that’s right for you, so that you have a strong team on your side as you fight this disease.


About IQ Mesothelioma


IQ Mesothelioma is a comprehensive source of support and information for mesothelioma patients and their family members, caretakers, and friends. Visit for free access to national databases of mesothelioma specialists, cancer treatment centers, and mesothelioma clinical trials. Information and articles about support groups, asbestos exposure locations, and mesothelioma treatments are also available for site visitors.