Minneapolis, MN 10/11/2011 8:05:15 AM
News / Law

Global Business & Legal Leaders Benefit From Online Legal Talk Sessions

Virtual Small Group Conversations Enhance Cultural Understandings of Legal Issues

Karen Lundquist, licensed Minneapolis attorney and legal English consultant and owner of Karen Lundquist Legal Language Consulting and Attenza Law, announces the availability of Online Legal Talk sessions. These small group virtual gatherings of up to 12 participants allow attorneys and other legal professionals from around the world to connect through the law and through legal English. The sessions provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, opinions and information about the practice of law. Participants learn about laws, legal systems and the people who engage in them and by doing so, open their minds, broaden their cultural understanding and enrich their lives in general.

Every Wednesday from 17 to 18 GMT, Karen moderates the Online Legal Talk conversations. Topics addressed vary widely including:

* Women in Law

* Legal English Terminology

* Social Media Laws

* Court Systems of the World

* And many others...

For a full list of currently scheduled conversation topics, prospective participants are encouraged to view the schedule here. Karen states, “These personal conversations are not legal English classes. Nor are they seminars. Online Legal Talk sessions are geared primarily at bringing individuals from the legal world together through technology and language. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to add their thoughts, express their opinions and ask questions. That is what makes it so interesting! The legal talks are open to anyone with at least an intermediate level of English and who uses or wants to use legal English for their profession.”

Online Legal Talks allow attorneys and other global legal professionals the opportunity to get together and gain new perspectives. 99 of the top 100 law firms in the world are English-speaking, underscoring the importance of a strong command of legal English for firms that want to grow their business. Many non-native speakers of English lack the confidence and mastery necessary to excel in their legal career, and the Online Legal Talk sessions provide a platform for these individuals to increase their command of the language and meet colleagues from other countries. Karen concludes, “In short, Online Legal Talk sessions enable legal practitioners from all over the world to come together and learn from one another – and have a truly enjoyable time in the process.”

About Karen Lundquist:

Karen Lundquist is a multilingual business attorney who owns the Attenza Law Firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is also a veteran professor of English, serving for two decades as a cultured, caring instructor. She specializes in training professionals from various legal realms in developing specific legal-based vocabulary sets that are integral for their abilities to perform an array of spoken career duties. Catering to a global market of legal professionals that need to develop legal English vocabularies, Karen can be reached at http://www.karenlundquist.com.


Karen Lundquist

Legal Language Consultant

Attenza Law, LLC

125 Main St. SE, Suite 250

Minneapolis, MN 55414

Tel: 001-612-702-1399

Fax: 001-651-379-5503