Dallas 10/14/2011 3:31:36 AM
News / Law

Walmart heiress arrested for DWI

The daughter of WalMart founder Sam Walton was arrested on Friday night for driving while intoxicated.

Alice Walton, who turned 62 that day, was pulled over by Texas police around 10pm for a traffic violation on an interstate. She was driving 71mph in an unattended construction zone with a 55mph limit.

After investigation, the officer determined that Alice was intoxicated after conducting a field sobriety test. She refused to take a breathalyzer; some DWI lawyers recommend people refuse a breathalyzer.

Walton was leaving her birthday celebration which included dinner with friends. She was charged with misdemeanor first DUI offense and held on a $1,000 bond.

Forbes listed Alice Walton as the countries ninth wealthiest woman and is worth $21 million.

This is not Walton’s first DUI. In 1998, she was arrested for DUI in Arkansas, but it did not show up with her second arrest. Media reports also indicate that Walton may have been involved in fatal accident that occurred in 1989, but no charges were filed for this incident.

A DWI is a serious charge and no matter what your status is, every offender can benefit from the experience of a DWI lawyer.

The penalties of a DWI can include jail time, loss of driving privileges, and high fines. This can have an impact on future job prospecting and a person’s life, in general. When facing the possibility of a DWI conviction, it is crucial for offenders to hire a DWI lawyer, in order to have a better chance at getting their charges reduced or dismissed.