Orlando 10/14/2011 3:40:57 AM
News / Law

Florida Minimum Wage to Rise to $7.67 on Jan. 1, Announces Morgan and Morgan

The wage and hour attorneys at Morgan and Morgan are pleased to announce that, effective Jan. 1, 2012, the Florida minimum wage will increase from $7.31 to $7.67 per hour. The minimum wage for tipped employees will also rise by 36 cents from $4.29 per hour to $4.65 per hour.  The state plans to release a press statement on Oct. 15 to verify the new minimum wage rates. 

The new Florida minimum wage represents a 4.9% increase from the previous year as a result of the fluctuation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Florida law states that every year on Sept. 30, the minimum wage must be adjusted based on the CPI. If the new minimum wage rate exceeds the federal minimum wage, the state’s wage will go into effect the next January. Under federal wage and hour law, employers are required to pay their workers the higher minimum wage, either federal or state. Because the Florida minimum wage is currently higher than the federal rate, the state minimum wage prevails, and all covered employees are entitled to receive at least this amount for each hour of work. Workers who are not compensated in accordance with minimum wage laws may have legal recourse against their employer. 

The wage and hour lawyers at Morgan and Morgan are dedicated to ensuring that all workers receive at least the minimum wage for their work. In addition, they advocate for the rights of employees who work more than 40 hours a week and are wrongfully denied the time-and-a-half compensation to which they are entitled. If you suspect your rights under overtime or minimum wage law have been violated, the employment attorneys at Morgan and Morgan are offering a free online case review to help determine if you have legal recourse. To receive your free case evaluation, visit http://www.usovertimelawyers.com/ today.  

About Morgan and Morgan 

The employment law division at Morgan and Morgan is dedicated to protecting the rights afforded to employees under state and federal labor laws. The attorneys within this department handle cases involving unpaid overtime, minimum wage violations, sexual harassment and workplace discrimination. If you suspect your employment rights have been violated, visit USOvertimeLawyers.com or ForThePeople.com today for a free case evaluation and information on your legal rights.