Burbank, CA 10/18/2011 2:59:18 AM
News / Entertainment

Hannah Montana Actor Arrested for DUI

A 20 year old actor, Mitchel Musso, who starred in the Disney hit show Hannah Montana has been arrested for allegedly driving drunk, making it necessary to find an accomplished DWI attorney.

An officer stopped over, who also is a musician, around 3:45 am on Sunday morning. Musso was going through an intersection and failed to slow down for police, who were directing traffic in the area. TMZ reported that police detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from the actor’s car.

Musso failed a breathalyzer test and officers reported that his blood alcohol content was well over the .08 legal limit. His underage status adds to his legal troubles, but he may be able to fight his charges once he retains the best DWI lawyer he can find.

Musso did not have any other passengers in his Mercedes at the time and he was not involved in a traffic accident.

A large number of DUIs result in injury or death to others. The hazards that drunken drivers create on the roads have caused the laws to become tougher and police to more aggressively pursue intoxicated drivers. The ramifications of a DUI can be very bad and cost a person their freedom and license. A DUI can end up costing the offender thousands of dollars. These individuals can benefit from the assistance of a DWI lawyer with a track record of getting their client’s charges reduced or dropped.