New York 10/18/2011 9:14:36 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Lexapro Lawsuit Attorneys Offer Free Birth Defects Case Review

The Lexapro lawsuit attorneys working with Class are providing a free online case review to women who took the drug while pregnant and gave birth to a child with skull, abdominal or heart defects. This no cost case evaluation is being provided by the Lexapro lawsuit attorneys working with the website to help mothers determine their eligibility for legal recourse. Potentially, women who took this SSRI drug during pregnancy and delivered a child with birth defects may be able to file a Lexapro lawsuit to seek compensation for medical bills and other damages stemming from their child’s condition. To receive a free Lexapro birth defects case review, visit and complete the form on the right. 

Lexapro is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and depression and belongs to a class of antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Allegedly, certain SSRI drugs when taken during pregnancy can slightly increase a mother’s risk of delivering a child with birth defects. In light of these allegations, the Lexapro lawsuit attorneys working with Class are extending a free case review to women who took this SSRI during pregnancy and gave birth to a child with any of the following conditions: transposition of the great arteries (TGA); coarctation of the aorta; tetralogy of fallot (TOF); craniosynostosis; club foot; spina bifida; omphalocele; septal defects; and other heart and skull defects.  

Potentially, women who used this SSRI drug during pregnancy and delivered a child with any of these birth defects may be able to participate in a Lexapro lawsuit to seek financial compensation for damages. Lexapro lawsuits must be filed within a certain time period, however, before the claimant is prohibited from seeking compensation for their child’s condition. For more information on Lexapro lawsuits and to receive a free online case review, visit Class today. The Lexapro birth defects attorneys working with the site are providing this initial consultation with no cost and no obligation. 

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Class is dedicated to protecting consumers and investors in class actions and complex litigation throughout the United States. Class keeps consumers informed about product alerts, recalls, and emerging litigation and helps them take action against the manufacturers of defective products, drugs, and medical devices. Information about consumer fraud issues and environmental hazards is also available on the site. Visit today for a no cost, no obligation case evaluation and information about your consumer rights.