Atlanta 10/20/2011 3:16:24 AM
News / Business

Companies can Connect with Customers Quickly and Easily on WooEB

WooEB has recognized a problem with the way companies are currently connecting with their customers online and come up with a solution, putting all of the content that you have online in one place. Currently companies are posting their content on many different websites, making it difficult for consumers to find the information they want. WooEB is here to provide a place to make all your information easily available to the people you want to see it.

Posting press releases, videos, pictures, blogs, Right Now status updates, and events to many different sites and services can confuse customers. Some simply don’t want to go to that many different sites. On WooEB a company can post all of this content in the same place online. Each member gets a Hub with a dedicated URL when they sign up where they can put up any content they want people to see. There are dedicated pages within the Hub to put Right Now status updates, profile information, photos, videos, and blogs. Companies can post product listings in the Market, press releases under News, Events, Job openings and Interviews in their Hub.

WooEB also helps drive traffic to the sites where you want it to go. A company can put out a press release to let people know their news. In the release they can include links sending readers to their site. They can then post a Right Now status update linking to any URL they want people to see. The Right Now update will index in search engines so using key words will help drive additional traffic. The company can then put up a blog post with some additional information about the press release or anything else they want to blog about and include links to the press release and back to their site. All these tools help the release and company’s site index higher and increase traffic.

WooEB allows companies to connect with their customers by providing them with the tools to give customers real time updates and news. Every time a Right Now update gets posted the companies WooEB friends see the update in their own Hub. As soon as a press release is submitted and manually SEOd by the WooEB editors, it goes live for visitors to see. Pictures are uploaded immediately and product listings in The Market go live as soon as they are submitted.

Companies posting content to sites all across the internet are finding it harder and harder to draw customers’ attention to the content. Posting content on WooEB gives these companies a quick, easy way to put every piece of content available in front of their customers. Sign up for a free WooEB Hub today and start posting content to increase traffic and connect with customers.

For those of you serious about increasing traffic and connecting with customers, WooEB has created Buzz Signal and ADit Deals. Buzz Signal drives traffic from social networking sites to any URL that where you want to drive traffic. Click here to learn more about Buzz Signal. ADit Deals allows companies to offer their customers a deal without sharing the revenue. Click here to sign up for ADit Deals.