Cameron Douglas, the son of actor Michael Douglas, faces a maximum of 20 years in prison for possessing drugs in jail. The 32-year-old, who is serving a 5 year sentence in federal prison for drug distribution, admitted to investigators earlier this week that he smuggled cocaine and heroin into his cell at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correction Center. He pleaded guilty to possession of drugs in jail during a hearing on Thursday. His sentencing is scheduled for December 21.
Investigators discovered the drugs in Douglas’ cell on Sunday. Douglas then confessed to also having drugs smuggled when he was at a minimum-security prison in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. In addition to prison time, Douglas faces a maximum fine of $250,000.
Michael Douglas released a statement on his son’s legal troubles saying, "Cameron accepts full responsibility for his conduct, which involved a small user-quantity of drugs. While he has made much progress, he is still not cured. Most people and their families are able to address this illness privately and outside of the spotlight. Unfortunately this has not been possible here, for reasons completely outside of his control. He thanks those that have rooted for his recovery and looks forward to the day when he will not disappoint.”
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