New York 10/25/2011 4:49:54 AM
News / Law

New York Woman Charged with DWI had Three Teens in Van

A woman was arrested for DWI when she was driving the wrong way down a Rochester highway with three teenage girls in her SUV.

The 47 year old woman, Cheryl Henchen, had just picked the three girls, aged 13 and 14, up from a concert Sunday night. Henchen’s daughter told police that she was worried that her mother was drunk, but Henchen assured her she had only drink. A DWI lawyer can attest that even one drink can be enough to be charged.

Henchen began driving the wrong way down The Inner Loop and 490. She almost hit a patrol officer stationed in the area. The officer eventually pursued the vehicle.

Henchen’s daughter tried to tell her mother that they were driving the wrong way but was ignored. Henchen eventually realized they were driving the wrong way after a couple of vehicles almost hit them.

Henchen’s daughter took the keys out of the ignition once her mother pulled over. She also called 911.

The officer who Henchen passed found the four women walking along the highway. Henchen was placed under arrest and charged with DWI along with endangering the welfare of a child.

When charged with intoxicated driving, it is necessary to employ an experienced DWI lawyer to build an effective defense. A DWI lawyer may be able to have charges reduced and minimize the penalties that a person faces.