Miami 10/27/2011 12:37:30 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Older Mothers Drive Boost in Plastic Surgery

Women in the forties and even fifties are having children at higher rate and this growing trend is also driving a boom in mommy makeovers. The number of older women having children has tripled in the last decade.

Recent figures from the Harley Plastic surgery firm in Great Britain stated that they have seen a significant rise in the number of women in their forties seeking a mommy makeover, which may include liposuction, tummy tuck or breast augmentations.

For all women, a pregnancy can cause a number of changes to their physical appearance. The belly will be stretched as the baby grows. As this happens the muscles may become weaker and the skin will develop stretch marks. The breast will also grow larger and then shrink. This can lead to sagging breasts and stomach along with extra fat in some areas.

Following an exercise routine and sensible diet can be nearly impossible for new moms, who may look to liposuction to help them get back to their original figures.

Younger women have a better chance of returning to their pre-child birth figures than older women. As we age our skin becomes less elastic, we produce less collagen and it is harder to eliminate excess fat. These things can make it much harder for their figures to recover from childbirth and return to their ideal appearance.

For these older mothers, cosmetic procedures like liposuction and a tummy tuck can restore their pre-birth figures.