Hollywood 10/27/2011 4:58:02 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Fat Talk is Detrimental to Body Image

At some point in time we have all insulted our own appearance, making negative comments about our faces and bodies. One of the most common things we tell ourselves is that we are fat; this fat talk can have detrimental effects on our body image and our self-esteem.

A study published this year in the Psychology of Women Quarterly found that 93 percent of women engage in regular fat talk. And many of the women are a healthy weight and not really fat at all, heavy women also engage in the talk but it may hit particularly close to home.

We may think these comments are harmless, but research shows  that they can be very detrimental and can lead to dissatisfaction with their bodies and eating disorders. Dropping the fat talk can help you feel more beautiful no matter what size shape you are.

Thinner women, who do feel fat, many have pockets of fat that won’t go away no matter how much they exercise. They can choose to have liposuction, which targets those unsightly areas and give their self-confidence a needed boost.

Lifestyle changes will be easier with a positive state of mind. Regular exercise and a sensible diet will help you lose weight. For the women who were significantly over weight, but dropped it all liposuction is a good way for them to sculpt their figures to reach their ideal body.

Liposuction is a not magic wand that can make us have a better body image, but it can bolster and cultivate a healthier self-esteem.