Spokane 10/27/2011 8:35:51 PM
News / Law

Spokane Law Firm Accepting Cases of Truck Accident Victims

Craig Swapp & Associates is now accepting cases where drivers and passengers suffered serious injuries due to an accident with a large commercial truck.  Specifically, the Spokane car accident attorneys at Craig Swapp & Associates are examining liability issues in all accidents involving dump trucks, semi-tractor trailers, tow trucks, cement trucks, etc. 
“A great deal of commercial traffic crosses through Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho,” says Managing Partner Craig Swapp. “We’re now seeing more accidents involving local drivers with interstate trucks on Interstates 90 and 83, as well as other major state highways.”

Swapp says that accidents involving large trucks usually result in more serious injuries or even death. “Commercial trucks, by virtue of their size and weight, can easily crush an automobile, and even a larger SUV or pickup truck,” he says. “We have represented clients who suffered multiple serious injuries, some of which may last a lifetime. We also helped families who have lost loved ones.”

Swapp attributes many large truck accidents to truckers forced to drive long hours to achieve unreasonable delivery deadlines.  “When a fatigued or stressed driver is behind the wheel, the chances increase for a serious accident to occur,” says Swapp, “especially when you throw in the possibility of poor weather, a blown tire, or unexpected load shift.”
Truck accidents usually involve more than just a defendant’s insurance company, explains Swapp.  “We’re seeing more involvement by federal and state regulatory agencies. In addition, the truck’s company or owner may use independent investigators to come to different conclusions than what is found in the police report. Our firm’s Spokane attorneys have experience with handling all sorts of large truck accidents, which is important due to the liability complexities of such accidents. They know how to cut through the red tape so that our clients can be fully reimbursed for their current and future medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering.”

The Spokane law firm of Craig Swapp & Associates handles serious personal injury cases, including vehicle or pedestrian accidents, animal attacks, dangerous drugs, defective medical devices, or wrongful death. For more information about Craig Swapp & Associates’ Spokane office, please visit Craig Swapp’s Spokane office website, or call 1-800-404-9000 for a free consultation. 

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