Just 48 hours after being arrested on domestic violence charges, Michael Lohan found himself back in police custody for violating the terms of his release from jail. According to the police report, Lohan made several calls to ex-girlfriend Kate Major overnight after a judge ordered him to stay away from her. When Tampa police officers went to the Tahitian Inn in search of Lohan, they found the 51-year-old hiding behind a pillar.
“I saw a subject on the second floor hiding behind a pillar. I yelled the def's name and told him to come down and talk. This def tried concealing himself a little more but decided to run up a stairwell as we approached him,” an officer states in the police report. “As we went out to the balcony to look around, we saw the def fall from a 3rd floor balcony next to the one we were standing on. The def apparently leaped up from his balcony and grabbed a hold of the roof. He then must have scurried across the roof (about 30 feet) until he thought he was hanging over top of the next balcony. The def then let go but missed this balcony. He came crashing down on top of wooden high chairs that were laying on the ground. This fall was 34 feet (measured with laser). The def then hid in some trees directly below where he was apprehended.”
Lohan, who was reportedly under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time of his arrest, injured his foot in the fall and was taken to Tampa General Hospital for treatment. He will be taken to the Orient Road Jail after his release from the hospital.
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