New York 10/28/2011 2:32:43 AM
News / Law

Retired Union Members Suffering Cut in Health Coverage May Have Legal Claim

Union retirees who have suffered a cut in healthcare benefits following a recent contract negotiation may be able to make a legal claim for expenses associated with this decrease in coverage. These retired union members could potentially participate in a lawsuit to seek compensation for expenses incurred as a result of increased medical deductibles, prescription costs, co-pays, monthly premiums, out-of-pocket maximums and other healthcare costs. To find out if you have legal recourse following a cut in union retiree healthcare benefits, visit for a free, no obligation case review. 

In some cases, unions and companies cannot negotiate new agreements which cut the health benefits of union members who retired under previous labor contracts. Still, some union members have claimed that they suffered a decrease in healthcare benefits after a new contract was negotiated. Under this new agreement, on which retired union members were not permitted to vote, active employee benefits were kept the same, but union retiree health benefits were cut, even though their premiums were not increasing. It has been alleged that union members who were reluctant to sign the new agreements, which decreased health benefits for retirees, were offered signing bonuses. 

Retired union members who noticed a decrease in healthcare benefits may have legal recourse to seek compensation for expenses incurred as a result of the increased monthly premiums, out-of-pocket maximums, prescription medication costs, and co-pays. Visit Class to learn more about the legal recourse which may be available to these individuals. The attorneys working with the website are providing a free case review to all retired union members who have suffered a decrease in their health coverage and remain committed to protecting the rights of those were wrongfully denied their full union benefits.  

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