Atlanta 11/2/2011 10:48:01 PM
News / Business

Increase Press Release Distribution Through Social Networking and Bookmarking Sites with Buzz Signal from WooEB

In the past few months social networking and bookmarking sites have been making a lot of noise, drumming up investors and filing for IPOs worth hundreds of millions of dollars. With the massive amount of interest many companies are wondering how to create a meaningful presence on these sites. A single landing page or profile is not enough to generate buzz for a company. Members of the online communities need to interact with the company to create the necessary rate of return. Understanding this issue WooEB provides users with Buzz Signal, an application that lets companies take full advantage of the power of social media.

Buzz Signal is comprised of a network of thousands of people who are active on various social networking and bookmarking sites. When a press release is distributed through WooEB the URL is posted by the Buzz Signal network of people. These press release links are posted to the different pages and profiles associated with the network. Over the next few days the posts receive a number of promotions causing the release to build momentum inside popular sites so that people can see and interact with the link. They can re-share the link, vote it up or click on it and go read your press release.

When a person on the Buzz Signal network shares a story, through reTweets, upvotes, diggs, etc. we call that a promotion. Buzz Signal offers companies the chance to have their link promoted 200, 375, 840 or 1400 times so that more people have a chance to see and interact with the link by clicking through and reading your content.

Promoting a URL helps in several ways, the URL is seen by more people so more people have the chance to click through and read your information. Because the promotions are spaced out over a few days the content remains relevant longer than for a normal press release. Promotions also act as a form of “social proof.” People who see that a link to a URL has been shared or posted by another human being are more likely to trust that the content is interesting and more than a marketing scheme.

Promotions are also invaluable as a way to help your content index higher in organic search results. When recently questioned by Danny Sullivan, an expert in search engines, asked a Google representative if posts to social networking sites were counted as a positive signal for an article he was told that it is used in both the organic search and news rankings.

When Buzz Signal runs through the promotions the story doesn’t just fade away. So many people who are not affiliated with the Buzz Signal network have seen the release that it takes on a life of its own. It can continue to be shared through social networking indefinitely, steadily increasing the coverage and attention that your content receives.

WooEB is currently offering a Buzz Signal campaign with 200 promotions on all $99 press releases. The press release delivers unrivaled distribution over social media networks to reach the people that you want to see your story. Don’t rely on your story being reprinted by a journalist or periodical to draw a crowd. You can also run Buzz Signal on any URL you want to promote with the exception of rival press release distribution sites. Use Buzz Signal and put your content in front of the people that you want to see it.