The leading source of online health insurance quotes in the United States announced today that they will be offering insight into the history of healthcare reform attempts. The online insurance brokerage, Health Insurance Broker Online, wants America to understand what the real problems behind healthcare reform really are. HIBO will be offering a weekly expose report on the debate over National Healthcare Reform.
In 1947 President Harry Truman made the first attempt in America to introduce Healthcare reform. He proposed the first National Healthcare Plan only after being in presidential office for seven months. His plan addressed the lack of physicians, nurses, and other providers of healthcare in low income and rural areas. His plan was to attract doctors and hospitals to those areas through federal government funding. Funds for new hospitals that would ensure quality care through a set of national standards that these facilities would be held to.
President Truman’s plan called for a board of doctors and public officials to create these standards to ensure that the providers were held to a certain quality of care. The board would also be in charge of obtaining federal funds for medical research. He proposed the creation of a National Healthcare Fund that would be funded by the government. All Americans would be eligible and would pay small health insurance premiums to participate in the program. At that time, the cost of Healthcare was so minimal, it was given the name Fringe Benefit.
The AMA (American Medical Association) strongly opposed this “Social Security Expansion Bill”. With the outbreak of the Korean War, President Harry Truman was unable to push his new reform bill. He had no choice, but to abandon the bill, and move forward with the Korean War. During Harry Truman’s presidency, Blue Cross Blue Shields policy holders went from 29 million to over 61 million.
Morgan Moran, a health insurance consultant, said “The history of Healthcare reform is a very complex issue that our nation is finally taking notice to. A Single Payer System run by our government is not the answer. Just take a look at a few of the other programs our Government is currently in control of, such as, Medicare and Social Security. What do they both have in common? I can tell you that they are both bankrupt. What do you think will happen if our Government takes over the healthcare industry? They do not have a very good track record of managing such platforms. The underlying problem Barack Obama doesn’t seem to understand is called utilization. You can’t give everything to everybody at no cost and expect them not to use it. That is the mentality most individuals take due to the introduction of the HMO (Health Maintenance Organization).
John Kraushar, said “Medicare and Medicaid illustrate the potential for Obamacare to bankrupt individual states en route to bankrupting the nation and transforming the country into a welfare continent like Europe. Medicare and Medicaid waste, fraud, mismanagement and runaway costs threaten the financial viability of many states, including California and New York. Just as with Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid use ostensible cost controls mandated by Big Government. But the result has been that patients, hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the government itself game the crazy incentives of the system to overuse and overprescribe medicine while stifling more cost efficiency and innovation in medical care.
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