New York 11/5/2011 1:03:18 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Boost in Radiation Treatments is Surgical Alternative for Mesothelioma Patients

Treating patients with mesothelioma generally requires a multi-modal approach combining surgery with chemotherapy and radiation. But for some mesothelioma patients, surgery isn’t possible based on the irregular shape of malignant tumors. Italian researchers have found that a type of radiation treatment can help patients who are unable to have surgery.

According to radiology researchers in Milan, Italy, precision radiation has shown to improve the overall survival rates of mesothelioma patients. Precision radiation has also been found to have a “significant impact” on the localized reappearance of the treated tumor. Patient, who had this boosted radiation treatment, survived an average of twelve months longer then patients, who did not have the treatment.

Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive form of lung cancer known to be caused by asbestos. All forms of treatment can extremely expensive and mesothelioma attorneys have been instrumental in obtaining settlements for those afflicted so they can afford medical care.

The prevalent use of asbestos in building and various industries have led many case of mesothelioma throughout the world. Mesothelioma lawyers have fought alongside workers, who were negligently exposed to asbestos by manufacturers.

Many of the businesses that used asbestos, prized for its fire retardant properties, often failed to warn workers of how dangerous asbestos can be, and also failed to inform them of how to safely handle the material. Because of this disregard of a worker’s safety, mesothelioma attorneys are able to make them pay damages to victims for disregarding their safety.