Fort Lauderdale 11/8/2011 5:16:37 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Unqualified Cosmetic Surgeons Cost Patients $10 Billion per Year

Cosmetic surgery offers people the chance to improve their looks through procedures like liposuction, face lifts, breast augmentations and chemical fillers. The industry has grown exponentially over the few decades. People spend between $30 and $40 million dollars on cosmetic surgery worldwide, but some of these patients are having surgeries that are botched or make them look worse after their procedures.

Because the industry is profitable, there are a number of unqualified surgeons who preform procedures that have negative results. There have been a number of cases wherein a doctor, who hasn’t been certified by recognized plastic surgery boards have conducted liposuction procedures that have resulted in injury or death.

Other people have not been injured physically but instead have botched procedures or unnecessary procedures that have not actually improved their appearance, instead have made them look worse. Approximately 1 in 3 people have had cosmetic procedures that need correction. These botched or unnecessary procedures have cost patients nearly $10 billion worldwide.

The prevalence of botched surgeries emphasizes the need for patients to research the qualifications of their chosen surgeons. Patients should also conduct thorough research about the cosmetic procedures they intend to have, and have realistic expectations about the final results.

The majority of plastic surgeons are qualified to do procedures such as liposuction or breast augmentations but the few doctors, who aren’t qualified to do plastic surgery, can be costly to both patients and other cosmetic surgeons.