NEW YORK 11/13/2011 7:10:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Teen drinking public health enemy number one

Underage drinking plagues America

The number one drug of choice among teenagers in the United States is alcohol.

Studies have shown that young people between the ages of 12 to 20 years old drink 11 percent of all alcohol consumed within the US. Most of the time, that alcohol is consumed via binge drinking, and those same young people consume more drinks on each occasion than those who are of legal age.

“The alcohol problem plaguing America’s youth is among the most troubling,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “The effects of binge drinking among youth is not only seen immediately through alcohol related accidents and injuries, but individuals who being drinking prior to the age of 15 increase their chance of developing alcohol dependence five times more than those who begin drinking after 21 years of age. Underage drinking literally is public health enemy number one for America’s youth.”

The U.S Surgeon General as well as the National Institute of Medicine has recommended community-based prevention strategies to help curtail underage drinking. Some of those strategies include stricter enforcement of prohibiting underage drinking, increasing alcohol excise taxes and implementation of national media campaigns that focus on the growing problem of alcohol use in minors.

Broaching the subject of underage drinking with a minor in your life can be a tough interaction. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center offers professional intervention services to assist you in helping your teen or young adult begin the road to recovery.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have any questions, please contact Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center for a confidential inquiry at 800-762-5433.