Gotham Cigars, a leading online cigar company continues to show their support and appreciation to our American Troops overseas with their annual premium cigar donation. Recently Gotham Cigars sent hundreds of premium cigar care packages to members of the US Navy on active duty to thank them for their service to our country.
American soldiers serving overseas in areas of Afghanistan and Iraq greatly appreciate being able to enjoy small luxuries from home, such as premium cigars. Gotham Cigars is proud to make this possible by providing our soldiers with some of the finest premium cigars available.
“The boxes arrived today and you guys are definitely the talk of the ship right now. I have been handing out cigars all morning and the crew moral is definitely up because of it. I couldn't thank you and your co-workers enough for your generosity. From everyone here onboard the USS MESA VERDE, THANK YOU GOTHAM CIGARS!,” said LTJG Brian Jones, Assistant First Lieutenant of the USS Mesa Verde.
Gotham Cigars and its employees are truly grateful to all the brave service men and women for the great work they do defending our nation and our freedom. The online cigar company has other donations scheduled to reach our service men and women this year.
About Gotham Cigars:
Gotham Cigars is a Miami based company located at 8803 NW 23 Street in Doral Florida. The company owns and operates GothamCigars a seller of online discount cigars, humidors, cigar accessories, and now e-cigarettes. Gotham Cigars has built its business on five star customer service, huge selection, and fast shipping. They carry many premium cigars and machine made cigars including: Rocky Patel, Gurkha, Artruo Fuente, Swisher Sweets, Phillies, and Captain Black to name a few.