Kim Kardashian took a lot of flak for her sudden divorce filing, but she has at least one celebrity supporter. Actress Olivia Wilde, who finalized her divorce from Italian prince Tao Ruspoli last month, says Kardashian should not be attacked for deciding to end her 72 day marriage to Kris Humphries.
"I empathize. It's not easy," Wilde told the New York Post. "[Divorce] is the hardest thing in the world.”
"People judge you because divorce is seen as failure. [Kim] took a risk. No one should be attacking her," she added. "Our attention should be focused on things that are truly scandalous."
Kardashian, 31, cited irreconcilable differences in her divorce petition filed on October 31. She later said in a blog post that she rushed into marriage too soon and should have ended her relationship with Humphries. “I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon. I believed in love and the dream of what I wanted so badly. I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn’t get off when now I know I probably should have,” she explained. “I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn’t know how to and didn’t want to disappoint a lot of people.”
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