Lady Gaga may be popular among teens and young adults, but it appears she is not popular among babies. The Daily Mail reports Lady Gaga was in London Wednesday when fans asked her to pose for a picture with their baby. Gaga, who was wearing a green outfit with a wide brimmed hat and large sunglasses, apparently frightened the little girl because she began crying and lunged for her parents.
Although the baby threw a fit, Gaga kept smiling and posed for a picture. She even kissed the child’s cheek. See a picture of the incident in the photo gallery below.
Meanwhile, it was confirmed Thursday that Gaga has parted ways with her longtime choreographer/creative director Laurieann Gibson.
“Recently, Lady Gaga was motivated to take the helm of the creative direction of her career and as such I decided to step away. I am extremely proud of her, and in stepping away I wish her all the best. I look forward to continuing my work with notable artists, as well as new artists that are part of my Interscope Records deal, and the upcoming seasons of my TV shows,” Gibson said in a statement.
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