New York, NY 11/18/2011 4:42:12 PM
News / Internet

New Occupy Website Launched to Protest Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Thursday marks the second month since the Occupy Wall Street movement began, but now there’s a new way residents in each state can show their support for the movement with the purchase of a T-shirt.

“We’ve officially launched and, where both websites will raise awareness and call citizens to non-violent action through the vehicle of public protests at both headquarters,” said Aaron Fraser, developer and spokesman for the new websites.

The protest, funded and sponsored by Gotham Dating Partners Inc., will be held Nov. 28 at the Freddie Mac building in the 8200 block of Jones Branch Drive, McLean, Va. and Nov. 29 at the Fannie Mae headquarters, located in the 3900 block of Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C.

The public can go to and website to buy shirts to participate in the movement, Fraser said, before adding, “I want to connect with the young and old who are tired of corporate greed and want to show it by publically protesting.”

Fraser explained that the protest’s primary goal is to help bring an end to what he believes is corporate greed.

“It is also an attempt to bring all of the occupy movements under one umbrella,” Fraser noted.

The Occupy movement has, however, had its share of setback. Early Monday, police raided and evicted the Occupy Oakland camp that had been pitched outside of City Hall for more than a month.

Lines of police in riot gear closed in around 5 a.m. on the hundreds of protesters who had gathered at Frank H. Ogawa plaza in anticipation of the eviction.

“Right now is the time for us all to join together to show that the Occupy movement will continue to fight against corporate greed across America,” Fraser said. “We have Occupy T-shirts for every state. By registering with our website, the public can be informed of upcoming demonstrations in their area.”

A portion of the proceeds, Fraser said, will go towards feeding those protesting.

“We are asking Americans to protest the corporate greed found in places like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae while middle class Americans lose their homes while executives at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have decided to give themselves millions in bonuses,” Fraser said.

Karen Johnson, 42, a participant in Occupy Houston, said she would be more than willing to support the new site with the purchase of a T-shirt and encouraged others to do the same.

“It really is a shame how companies, the banks and more are literally sitting on millions in funds that we the taxpayers bailed them out with and they won’t even use it to hire us or give out loans, which is what the bailouts were for in the first place,” Johnson stressed. “I am tired of all the corporate greed, I am tired of seeing millions of people in America suffer when they don’t have to, I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I will definitely buy a T-shirt. I may even buy a couple of T-shirts just for additional resources. I hope others will do it do.”

Aaron Fraser
45 East 135th Street
New York, NY 10037