New York 11/23/2011 6:12:31 AM
News / Law

OnStar Leads Police to DWI Offender

OnStar can be helpful of you are lost or involved in an accident, but most don’t realize that it can lead police to hit-and-run DWI offenders. That is exactly what happened to Albany, New York man early Tuesday morning.

According to the Times Union, Miguel Medina crashed the 2011 Buick Regal he was driving into a pole on the corner of Oneida and Catherine Streets around 2:35 am. Police stated that Medina fled from the scene. The vehicle was equipped with OnStar and a system operator dispatched police to the scene of the accident.

When officers arrived on the scene, witnesses told them that the suspect fled in the direction of a local school. Police apprehended the man and arrested him. At the time of his arrest, he refused to take a field sobriety test, but a breathalyzer test later revealed his blood alcohol content was close to .018, and he is now in need of a DWI attorney.

Medina has been charged with felony DWI, leaving the scene of an accident involving property damage and refusal to take a breath test.

Any one charged with a DUI, whether an accident was involved or not will need to find an accomplished DWI attorney to build an effective defense.  The courts are particularly tough on people, who drive while intoxicated.  The representation of a DWI attorney can help the accused receive a reduced sentence and make it possible for them to avoid incarceration.