Cocaine is one of the most powerfully addictive drugs available today. With the many different ways cocaine can be administered, users will experience a variety of adverse side effects.
If taken in powder form, cocaine can be snorted, smoked, or dissolved in water and injected into a vein or up the nose like a nasal spray. If taken as crack, the drug can be administered through smoking, being broken down, and also dissolved in water like when used in powder form.
Cocaine Effects
Snorting cocaine can lead to nosebleeds, loss of the sense of smell, problems with swallowing, hoarseness and an overall irritation of the nasal septum which can lead to a chronically inflamed, runny nose. If ingested, cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene due to reduced blood flow. Injecting the drug will cause puncture marks and tracks commonly found in the forearm. Finally, if cocaine in used intravenously, it can cause an allergic reaction to either the drug or to some addictive in street cocaine which can result in death.
The treatment options at La Paloma are designed to help you or your loved one overcome cocaine addiction no matter how the user first came in contact with it or how it has been used in the past.
If you’d like more information or are or know someone who needs help with a cocaine addiction, please check out the drug rehab at La Paloma Treatment Center.