Cleveland 11/30/2011 4:34:39 AM
News / Law

Ohio Law Firm Offers Free Consultation, Transactional Legal Services to Deployed Military Personnel

Attorney Howard Rabb announced today that his firm will provide free consultation and transactional legal services to military personnel who are currently deployed.

Deployment often requires the service member to put legal matters in order before they leave. Specifically, proper paperwork for leave from other jobs, changes to leases or rental agreements, and wills or powers of attorney are sometimes needed. Initial consultations on other services will also be provided at no cost.

“We felt strongly that there had to be a way that our firm could help to support the brave men and women who protect and serve our country,” said Ohio attorney Howard Rabb. “If providing them these services will give them something less to worry about, we are honored to do so.”

“We thought it was an incredibly exciting and humbling opportunity to reach out to active servicemen and women,” commented partner Jodi Tomaszewski.

Service members can call Howard Rabb at Dworken & Bernstein Co., L.P.A. at (440) 352-3391 to set up an appointment to receive free help with any of the deployment related legal services listed above, or to discuss any other legal matter.
Dworken & Bernstein Co., L.P.A. is the largest law firm in Lake, Geauga and Ashtabula County, Ohio, with offices in downtown Cleveland. With 28 attorneys and a staff of 65, the Ohio law firm offers a full range of legal services for businesses, individuals, and families in litigation and transactions.

Lawyer Howard Rabb is a member of the national attorney network on

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