Tampa 12/1/2011 6:51:11 AM
News / Law

St. Lucie County Judge Pleads Not Guilty to Intoxicated Driving

A Port Lucie County judge, Kathryn Nelson pleaded not guilty to DUI charges stemming from a one car accident which occurred on October 25th. Nelson has asked for a jury trial.

Nelson was arrested on October 25th when a motorist called police to report a car weaving back and forth then crashing into the guardrail on a bridge near Indian River Boulevard in Vero Beach.

According to police reports the driver later identified as Nelson blamed the erratic driving on cell phone usage and refused to get out of the car.

Police stated that Nelson smelled of alcohol and had what appeared to be vomit on her skirt. She refused to submit to field sobriety tests, stating she was a judge in St. Lucie County. Police had to physically pry he hands off of the steering wheel. She also struggled and screamed when police put her in handcuffs.

When facing intoxicated driving charges a Tampa DWI attorney will likely recommend that the accused not struggle or argue with police, no matter what your occupation.

A DWI will have long term effects on a person’s career and will be on their permanent record. To minimize the adverse impact of an arrest, the accused should hire a Tampa DWI lawyer to begin building and effective defense.

A Tampa DWI attorney will apply their expertise and work to reduce any penalties and fines which can result from intoxicated driving.