Melbourne 12/1/2011 4:27:19 PM
News / Internet

Yellowfin 6 Set to Change Business Intelligence

Register for the exclusive Webinar launch, Tuesday 6 December Australian EDST, here:

The new release – Yellowfin 6: Making data analysis even easier – will include Yellowfin’s much hyped new iPad application, and a number of significant consumer-oriented User Interface (UI) innovations that will change the way users develop and consume BI content.

“Yellowfin 6 is about making data analysis even easier no matter who or where you are,” said Yellowfin CEO, Glen Rabie. “Yellowfin 6 takes advantage of the latest in consumer Web technologies to present enterprise data in a way that empowers people of all business backgrounds to conduct independent data analysis, build reports, share and act on data.”

Rabie said that the release aimed to challenge traditional BI offered by BI mega vendors and more established players, which has historically experienced low user adoption rates and hampered organizations’ ability to achieve value from BI deployments.

“Traditional Business Intelligence is hard to navigate and derive meaning from, negating the ability of people to create insight and take action,” said Rabie.  “Yellowfin 6 will enable people to view BI in a new, highly visual, interactive and intuitive way. Yellowfin 6 will allow organizations to realize the true potential of BI by empowering business users with enhanced navigability, interactivity, improved information collaboration and knowledge sharing capabilities.”

Yellowfin 6 will be officially launched on Tuesday 6 December Australian EDST in an exclusive series of Webinars and made available for general use from Friday 9 December.

What is Business Intelligence software?

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a broad range of computer software applications and tools used to report, analyze and present data in a range of formats, to help businesses identify trends and opportunities, and support fundamental decision-making.

About Yellowfin:
Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor headquartered and developed in Melbourne, Australia. Yellowfin is a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution.

Lachlan James
Level 46, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia
+61 (0)3 9090 0454