Seeking an addiction treatment Program?
It is important when searching for treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction that the right treatment program is chosen. There are a number of factors that must be considered and taken into account when trying to choose the right treatment program. The task then is how to find the right treatment program.
When choosing an addiction treatment program, it is important to realize that the substance being abused will play a large part in determining which treatment program to choose. From the large number of drug and alcohol treatment facilities that are available, there are slight differences between them. Some may specialize in treating less severe addictions or specifically relapses and on-going treatment or therapy, whilst others may focus more on the longer term, more severe addictions that may include other disorders or medical histories that must be taken into account.
Consult with professionals for information
Depending on the age group, there are certain professionals that can be consulted when trying to choose a suitable drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. For most age groups, the individual’s doctor can provide information on the best facilities available and what kind of treatment programs they offer. They will be able to inform of the best kinds of drug addiction treatment programs for the particular addict’s age group. General healthcare providers, pharmacists and counselors will also be able to point the addict towards the most trusted and reputable treatment centers.
Location and social status may prove to be important factors when seeking the right substance addiction treatment program. For example, some drug rehab centers may require a permanent stay with the facility for maximum chances of making a successful recovery, especially if the individual’s social circle is the most influential factor in the cycle of drug abuse. This may mean a move for up to a few months may be necessary. It has been shown that in this case, success rates are higher than those facilities that do not offer a residential treatment
Types of addiction treatments
When someone enters a drug abuse treatment facility, there are going to be many options for dealing with their recovery. Drug abuse treatments vary from place to place, and there are always many different options for you when it comes to dealing with your drug abuse problem. Check your phone book or the internet for various treatment centers or options near you, or talk to your health professional. It is never hard to find a treatment facility for drug abuse treatment.
When it comes to drug abuse, there are many different options of treatment that are available to you. Drug rehab treatment is something that is highly personalize-able. You can pick from many different treatment options, and you can really find something that fits your life and takes care of your needs
There are treatment centers that you can enter for drug abuse treatment. At these centers you will be kept away from the world, which might be the best option for you. You will be able to concentrate on your problems and on taking care of them. At these centers for drug abuse treatment, there will be people who can help you 24 hours a day to deal with your abuse and your addiction.
Knowing all of your options
If a drug abuse treatment center is not for you, there are many other options. There is addiction counseling, which is very easy to find. Many times these drug abuse treatment centers will offer people counseling for a very cheap rate or for free. There are many different counseling options for you to choose from as well.
You might decide that you want to go to one on one counseling sessions. In these sessions, you will be exposed to a doctor or mental health professional that can help you with your problems. You can talk about what has led to your drug use, and you can decide what factors in your life led to your addictions. By going to these counseling sessions, your drug addiction treatment will teach you how to avoid the same triggers and pitfalls that you dealt with before. You will be able to make a fuller recovery once you know your own limitations and can realize the addictive tendencies in your life.
There are also large group counseling sessions that might be beneficial to your drug addiction treatment program. In these sessions, you can talk to many other people who are going through the same or similar situations that you are. You can be in a supportive environment and be surrounded by people who can really understand the things that you are going through. These types of places and support groups are often beneficial for long-term recovery, because you can have a place where you can always go, no matter how busy and hectic your life may get. At these places, you can feel safe and secure, and be able to share how you are feeling, and draw strength from those around you.
With more severe addictions
In certain circumstances, drug abuse treatment might consist of other drugs. If you are addicted to a very harmful drug and the withdrawals are actually dangerous to your life, you might go on a drug regimen, controlled by a doctor, which will help you kick your habits. There are also medications that can lesson the affects of the drugs in your system, so that you will be more able to stop using them. These drugs are very carefully prescribed and controlled by professionals, and are usually administered at hospitals.
No matter what option is right for you, drug abuse treatment is the beginning to your new life.
Who is Affected During addiction treatment
addiction treatment can be a tough time, not just for the patient being treated, but also for the family, friends and medical staff. Drug addiction recovery consists of good days and bad days, like most other aspects of life, but the overall progress of an addict in treatment can be influenced by the attitudes and support of those around him.
It is important to realize that addiction is usually something that the addict himself can not come out of alone. It was believed that drug addiction was simply antisocial behaviour that was totally controlled by the addict, thus any unwanted side effects or dangers were thought to be brought on by the addict himself. Today we know differently. Addiction is a disease of the brain, resulting from specific psychological changes that occur due to the intake of foreign chemicals that the body, under normal circumstances, is not sure how to deal with. The pleasure that addicts experience from using drugs is not the only factor that leads to addiction, therefore, preventing pleasurable effects from using the drugs is not the only factor that must be addressed for a successful drug addiction recovery.
How addiction treatment affects the patient and those around him can have a profound effect on the success of any drug addiction treatment program. For example, sometimes during addiction treatment , the withdrawal symptoms can appear severe and extremely uncomfortable for the patient. While these symptoms are treated they are often not relieved completely. This can be distressing for family or friends who may be present in support of the addict involved in the drug addiction recovery process.
Stages and steps to recovery
There are occasions where these supporting individuals have removed the addict from the addiction treatment program simply because they feel it is too harsh on the patient. It must be stressed that while the addiction treatment may appear to be harsh at times, it is not always like this. Stages where the patient is uncomfortable during his withdrawal from drugs are usually relieved quickly and occasions are few and far between. Friends and family of the patient undergoing drug addiction recovery must accept that the process often involves these stages of discomfort and allow the process to run its course.
Doctors and nurses of addiction treatment centers are often affected on a daily basis by the drug addiction recovery processes that they use to treat their patients. Sometimes patients may become aggressive, depressed or suffer from panic attacks; especially through the difficult period of drug detoxification. The results of these from the medical professionals’ point of view can sometimes be hurtful, both emotionally and physically. However, these addiction treatment centers employ staff who are specifically trained to deal with these situations in a positive and constructive way.
What must be taken into account during the drug rehabilitation treatment process is the influence that people can have on the addict’s progress. Support during the good times and the bad will help to reassure the addict that he is doing the right thing and to persist with the treatment. This will also be enforced by the medical professionals who are there to make the whole process of drug addiction recovery as comfortable and positive as possible for the patient.
Addiction Treatment at Freedom Center
The Freedom Center has one of the most effective addiction treatment and recovery programs in the US today which features a recovery success rate of 70% or higher. This means that 7 out of every 10 clients that graduate from our program never relapse back into their addictions and remain substance-free for the rest of their lives. We know that it takes more than just ridding one’s body of the substances in it to overcome the addiction.
One of the primary reasons for this is based on our philosophy of how we view the individuals that enter our different addiction rehab programs. We do not view individuals who suffer with substance abuse, addiction, or dependency issues as addicts. Instead, we prefer to call them students who are being taught by our programs how to live substance-free. The Freedom Center’s addiction treatment program focuses on teaching our students how to live ethical lives without the need for alcohol or drugs.
We know that education is the key to overcoming any addiction, whether it is drugs or alcohol. Our students are taught how to:
- avoid potentially harmful situations
- communicate more effectively with others
- confront situations in their lives and control any that may arise
- improve their problem-solving skills
- overcome the tendency to live in the past
- purge the body of any substance toxins or residues
- restore one’s ethics, integrity, morals, and responsibility
- use the necessary tools we have given students to acquire and retain new knowledge
Additionally, our addiction treatment and recovery programs are conducted in the Freedom Center’s comfortable and tranquil environment. We welcome all of our students into an apartment like setting that is conducive to long-term recovery while providing them with many of the amenities they have grown accustomed to at home. If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, please call us today and get the addiction treatment process started as soon as possible.