New York 12/9/2011 7:01:05 AM
News / Law

Former Miss USA Arrested for Drunk Driving

Former Miss USA, Rima Fakih was arrested for drunk driving after police stopped her for speeding  and driving erratically in Detroit. She was pulled over Saturday night, but new details about her arrest emerged today.

Police noticed the driver of a black driver speeding and weaving in and out of heavy traffic without using her turn signal.

When police pulled Fakih over, they discovered she had an uncorked, half-empty bottle of champagne in her car. The police report stated that she identified herself as a former Miss USA and said she seemed “disoriented and had very slurred speech as she fumbled for her purse.”

The arresting officer, identified as R. Kalis, asked Fakih if she had been drinking when she replied, “No, not at all.” She was also asked about the open bottle of champagne, which she denied being aware that it was open.

Two separate blood alcohol tests showed that she was almost twice the legal limit. For the purposes of defense, a DWI lawyer may contest the results of a breathalyzer.

In addition to the DUI, Fahik was charged with careless driving and driving with an open container.

An intoxicated driving arrest is a serious matter no matter who you are and requires an effective defense. A DWI attorney is the only way for the accused to have any chance in minimizing the impact that this can have on their freedom.

In court, a DWI lawyer can ask for the charges to be reduced and lessen the possible penalties.