Lindsay Lohan reportedly had a rough weekend. The actress, who is on probation in a jewelry theft case, was partying in Honolulu, Hawaii Saturday night when her car was robbed. Her $5,000 Chanel purse, which contained court papers allowing her to travel, identification and $10,000 in cash, was taken. TMZ reports a local resident returned the handbag on Sunday along with the court papers and her IDs. The $10,000 in cash was not inside.
In an audio recording obtained by TMZ shortly after Lohan discovered her purse was missing, the 25-year-old sounded furious she may miss a court date on Wednesday because of the missing travel documents. "I will f**king kill someone if I even have to get questioned [inaudible] jail for a year,” she says.
Meanwhile, Lohan’s nude photo spread for Playboy magazine was released with the latest issue. The photos were leaked online last week before the new issue hit newsstands. Playboy executives were said to be furious about the leak because they were expecting big sales for the issue.
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