Up until the last couple of decades, substance addiction rehab programs were offered in the traditional addiction treatment and recovery facilities that looked like clinics, hospitals, or motels. They relied on older, conventional therapies, such as the 12-Step modality, which are now viewed as out of date and ineffective. They took a generalized or one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment and recovery. In other words, every client was treated in identical fashion as if they were all the same.
As the field of addiction treatment and recovery evolved, certain needs-based programs were developed to accommodate those individuals with needs that were exclusive to them only such as gender-specific programs (mens or womens only programs). The women substance abuse treatment evolved out of the need to address those issues that were unique to women and that the traditional facilities failed not address. Today, you will find these women-only programs in the majority of the alternative or residential facilities.
Women substance abuse treatment programs take into consideration the specific needs of the female client including the underlying causes of their addiction. Women get addicted to alcohol and drugs for different reasons than what men do so it follows that the method of treatment would be different as well. Another key point is the fact that men start using alcohol and drugs for completely different reasons that women do. For instance, a man will start drinking or using drugs to fill a void in their lives.
On the other hand, women start drinking and/or using drugs for a variety of different reasons such as:
Previously published reports from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) suggest the differences in gender are extremely important where the addiction process is concerned and a critical segment of women substance abuse treatment programs. The right program addresses these underlying causes and how the woman is affected on the emotional, mental, physical, and even the spiritual level.
Our women substance abuse treatment programs are highly effective yet affordable. They use a combination of alternative, Holistic, and traditional therapies and provide the client with a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere to recover in. The Delray Recovery Center realizes that the suffering individual has unique needs. That is why we developed our “Strength to Change” program and can customize it to address the needs of women.