New York 12/15/2011 1:24:48 AM
News / Law

Two AutoNation Employees Fired for Refusing to go to Strip Club

Two employees for one of the country’s largest auto retailers have filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against their employer. The men allege they were fired for refusing to go to strip clubs and bordellos with their co-workers.

The two men contacted a sexual harassment lawyer to seek damages for harassment, retaliation and wrongful termination.

The lawsuit filed by Joshua McCarty and Kevin Petrie stated that management at AutoNation would force them to go to strip clubs and brothels insisting they participate in sex acts. The management is also accused of fostering an environment that encouraged excessive drinking and drug use at company sponsored functions.

When McCarty refused to participate in the sex acts and instead wanted to focus on work he was subjected to ridicule. He was also left out of important meetings, shorted on his pay, given retaliatory performance reviews, denied promotions and eventually he was fired.

Petrie was called derogatory names like “faggot” and “homo.”  McCarty was harassed when he defended Petrie against verbal attacks from co-workers.

Although women are the majority of people who hire sexual harassment attorneys, this case shows that men are also subjected to a hostile working environment and ridicule.

Sexual harassment lawyers are too familiar with how prevalent this behavior is in the workplace and work to out an end to this plague.