Private pictures of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s stillborn daughter, Jubilee Shalom, were leaked online Wednesday as the family gathered for a memorial honoring Jubilee’s short life. The pictures, taken by the nonprofit organization Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, were distributed at the memorial and strictly meant for the Duggar’s use only, according to a rep for the family.
In one of the photos, Michelle or Jim Bob holds Julibee’s tiny feet between their thumb and forefinger. The phrase “There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world” is written on the photo. In another picture, Jubliee’s hand rests on Michelle’s finger.
Michelle miscarried Jubliee at 16 weeks on December 11, three days after a routine doctor’s appointment revealed the baby no longer had a heart beat. Jubliee was the family’s 20th child.
In a recording played at a memorial, Michelle said she is at peace about the tragedy. “I feel a great sorrow and grief, and yet at the same time I have a peace in my heart. This is so sad, but I have peace. There are people praying for us and angels surrounding our home, and there was peace in the sorrow and the grief. Those feelings are mingled together,” she said.
The Duggar family can be seen on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting.
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