There are basically two basic types of addiction treatment and recovery programs that treat alcohol abuse and dependency. On the one hand, there is the residential or in-patient program, which requires the client to take up full-time residency in the facility until it is time for them to return to society. On the other hand, there is the out-patient alcohol rehab program, which allows the client to participate in their daily duties and then return home in the evenings.
The Delray Recovery Center out-patient alcohol rehab is usually comprised of certain elements such as counseling sessions, educational classes, and support groups. In the evening, you are allowed to return home. Most individuals enjoy the freedom of an out-patient program because it allows them to continue pursuing their education or working their jobs. Additionally, the cost is lower than that of the in-patient program. However, on an initial assessment of the current level of addictions by specialists further clarifies whether the individual can enter as an out-patient or as an in-patient. An alcohol addicted individual requires a higher will-power and patience to stay off alcohol while staying within the same environment.
The question “should I enter an in-patient or an out-patient alcohol rehab?” is frequently asked by individuals who realize that they need professional help for their addiction. One of the first things you want to try and look at is how severe your addiction has gotten. If it has gotten to the point where you can no longer get through a single day without drinking any alcohol, then you may not be a candidate for a our Delray Recovery Center out-patient program.
In order to reasonably determine whether or not an out-patient alcohol rehab is the right choice for you, see if the following criteria apply to you: