Houston 12/21/2011 5:56:15 AM
News / Business

New Year’s Resolutions made easier with Twist 25 DHEA cream

A bioidentical transdermal DHEA cream called Twist 25 can help you make those New Year’s resolutions happen.

DHEA is the most abundant pro-hormone in the body. It is a base building block the body uses to produce hormones.

Hormones drive our mood, productivity, energy, sex drive, how we sleep, immune system function, cardiovascular health, skin softness and hydration, muscle tone, and fat.  

DHEA has been known of for years; but when taken as a pill the liver eliminates most DHEA, and what does get supplemented in the body is DHEA sulfate. DHEA sulfate does not have near as many beneficial effects as DHEA. Medical research shows that most DHEA is actually processed by the body in the skin.  Twist 25 is what the body uses, bioidentical DHEA, applied where the body uses it, the skin.

People make increasing amounts of DHEA until age 25; then about 2% less every year until we die. So for people 35 and up, male or female, rubbing in Twist 25 DHEA cream each day can stave off many aspects of aging.

Twist 25 cream can help you make many of those New Years resolutions happen.

  • Reduce belly fat – both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat
  • Have more energy
  • Sleep soundly at night
  • Think more clearly
  • Have improved sense of well-being and vitality
  • Enhanced sex drive
  • Smoother softer skin

Look your Best ….Feel your Best with Twist 25 DHEA cream

A bioidentical transdermal DHEA cream human tested for safety and effectiveness

Available at: www.twist25.com

Health2Go, Inc.

Houston, Texas                     

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