Charleston, SC 12/22/2011 4:07:28 AM
News / Law

Charleston West Virginia Attorney Invited to Speak to IRS About Tax Problems

Charleston attorney, Jeffrey T. Jones, has been invited to speak on behalf of IRS practitioners at the "Working Together Conference 2012", A Partnership of Public and Private Tax Professionals held at the University of Charleston in Charleston, West Virginia.  Jones will be part of a roundtable discussion with various IRS representatives, discussing the following from a taxpayer’s perspective: offers in compromise, installment agreements, penalty abatement, liens, levies and wage garnishments. Also discussed will be the IRS's  new Fresh Start Initiative which is supposed to give individuals and businesses, who have defaulted on their business and payroll taxes, a better opportunity to settle their IRS debt and get their lives and businesses back on track.

"This is a great opportunity for me, as an IRS Problem Solving Attorney, to make known to the IRS some of the problems the taxpayers have with the system and discuss with them the best way to solve the problems and help the taxpayers resolve their tax debt," said Jones.

"This will also allow me to establish relationships with area IRS representatives so when we discuss a case they can put a face with a name and they will know who they are dealing with, unlike all those national firms who are just a different, faceless voice on the phone every time they call the IRS," said Jones, a 1986 graduate of the West Virginia University College of Law. 

Jones, who represents individuals and businesses throughout West Virginia who have IRS problems is the author of the book Dealing with an IRS Problem and has written several Special Reports regarding dealing with the IRS and payroll taxes for businesses. 

"In my business I try to give my clients the one on one individual attention they deserve.  A lot of the clients I get just want to have someone local, someone they can see and come in and talk to about the liens on their property, levies on their bank accounts, wage garnishments, penalties on the tax owed, payroll tax issues and other tax problems .  Many have had bad experiences with those national firms.  It’s hard to hold someone in Colorado, California or Florida accountable and those firms know that and I see a lot of clients whose cases have not been properly handled."

If you have an IRS or Tax problem you can reach Jeffrey T. Jones at 304-345-3400 or 800-247-2845 or email him at For more information, you can visit his website at, where you can order his book or the Special Reports.

Mr. Jones also represents individuals injured or killed in car wrecks and has written a Special Report on dealing with insurance companies.  This information, along with the Special Report, is also available on the website,

His website also includes an area where you can ask questions or tell him about your IRS, tax or car accident case.

Attorney Jeffrey Jones is a member of the national attorney network on

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