Rochester, NY 12/23/2011 1:18:48 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Avon Contractor Charged for Violating Clean Air Act by Improper Asbestos Disposal

An Avon contractor has been indicted on multiple federal charges for improperly removing asbestos from a large warehouse in Rochester. Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma cancer.

Federal authorities from the Environmental Protection Agency and The Department of Environmental Conservation allege that Anastasios Kolokouris hired men to remove asbestos form a warehouse he partly owns.

The EPA have strict regulations regarding removal and disposal of asbestos, which is a known carcinogen.

Kolokouris did not inform the workers they would be removing asbestos, and did not provide them with protective gear. The men were disposing of the asbestos in large metal trash container. Mesothelioma attorneys have been able to win lawsuits for workers who were not given adequate protection to prevent asbestos exposure from their negligent employers.

When authorities arrived to the site, after they were tipped off, they discovered that the trash container was half full or asbestos-containing insulation. They also found 90 bags of asbestos inside the warehouse.

Kolokouris was charged with multiple violations of the Clean Air Act.

Removing asbestos improperly jeopardizes the health of employees and people in the surrounding community. It can cause a range of pulmonary diseases including mesothelioma. By retaining mesothelioma lawyers, the people unnecessarily exposed to asbestos can seek compensation from the parties who failed to provide them protection.

Treating asbestos-related diseases can be very expensive, and the people who contract these illnesses often depend on mesothelioma attorneys to obtain the money needed to afford medical care.