York County, PA 12/23/2011 6:10:20 AM
News / Law

Lancaster Police Arrest 18 DUI Offenders at Checkpoint

Drunken drivers beware, the holidays are upon us and as we head out to our various celebrations, the police will be stepping up their efforts to catch you. When major holidays roll around police departments all over the country step up their efforts to catch intoxicated drivers.

During the holidays, more people are traveling and visiting loved ones. Holiday celebrations often entail alcohol consumption, making this a busy time of year for DUI attorneys and police.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania police announced that last weekend they caught a staggering 18 DUI offenders at one checkpoint. This is an example of how common drinking and driving truly is.

Other cities and towns will set up sobriety checkpoints during the holidays to make cure the roads are safe for all the holiday travelers.

Most drunken drivers don’t realize how little alcohol it takes to inhibit their driving abilities and before they know it’s time to hire a DUI lawyer. As little as one or two drinks can slow a driver’s reaction time, but most people don’t stop at one or two. It is better to stay put or take a cab than to drive under the influence.

If you do make that error of judgment and get behind the wheel when you’ve had too much to drink, you are going to need someone to stand up for you in court. The best chance you have for reducing your penalties and minimizing the charge is by hiring a DUI attorney.