Buford, SC 12/23/2011 6:31:50 AM
News / Law

Federal Judge Blocks Several Key Provision of South Carolina Immigration Bill

A federal judge blocked several key provisions to South Carolina’s immigration law which were due to take effect on January 1st.

U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel’s decision will block several provisions which include the requirement that police officers check the immigration status of people they pull over. This provision has been included in immigration laws passed by several states including Arizona and Alabama.

Several groups have stated this provision could lead to racial profiling of Latino citizens. A large number of immigrants come to the United States from Latino countries, and while many obtain legal status by retaining immigration attorneys, many others enter the county illegally.

Judge Gergel also blocked bill’s provision that would make it a crime to not carry immigration documents. Another blocked provision makes it illegal to house, employ or transport undocumented immigrants.

The judge ruled that the federal government has exclusive constitutional authority to regulate immigration and state laws inhibit their ability to enforce those laws.

Various states have passed very tough immigrations laws, the majority of which are being challenged in federal courts, in order to curtail illegal immigration in their states.

Immigrants can avoid deportation and imprisonment if they employ an immigration attorney to attain visas or citizenship.

Even though getting proper documentation can be difficult having the assistance of an immigration lawyer can eliminate some of those obstacles and make the process easier on an immigrant.