New York 12/24/2011 1:05:28 AM
News / Internet

Social Networking Takes Up 20 Percent of the Time Spent Online

Social networking used to be dominated by younger users, but now people of all ages are regularly spending time on these sites. What's even more interesting is that in a recent poll we've found that the people who use social media the most are in the 22-45 year age group! These make up students seeking to one day get into business and older people already in business seeking to increase their client base; in turn to further their marketing presence. Internet marketing is certainly on the rise more than ever before. 

A new report by comScore showed that social networking is now the most popular online activity worldwide.  One in every five minutes spent on the internet is devoted to social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

As the popularity of social media has grown, businesses are discovering this is treasured way to reach new customers. When people share a link or story posted on these sights they are not only sharing with their friend but also friends of friends. This alone creates the potential that hundreds of people can be reached with a simple click on a computer.

Legal internet marketing firms and other companies have discovered that social media now plays an important role in any advertising campaign.

A legal internet marketing campaign entails utilizing many different aspects of the web, but the reach of social media is immense. Social media reaches over 1.2 billion people worldwide, according to comScore study.

The comScore study also showed that social media penetration varies from country to county, for instance you have 53 percent in China with 98 percent in the United States. This shows the growing importance that social media plays in our daily lives and highlights how beneficial legal internet marketing can be for a law firm.