San Diego 12/24/2011 4:39:20 AM
News / Law

San Diego Restaurant Owner Fined for Hiring Illegal Immigrants

The owner of a French bakery and restaurant, along with the manager were fined and sentenced to probation for employing illegal immigrants.

Michael Malecot, 59, owner of San Diego’s French Gourmet was ordered to pay a $396,575 in fines and was sentenced to 5 years’ probation. Richard Kauffman, 59, the restaurant manager was order to pay a $2,500 fine and sentenced for his role in hiring undocumented immigrants.

Only immigrants who have visas or citizenship status are allowed to legally work. An immigration attorney is capable of attaining the legal documentation that makes an immigrant employable.

This is indicative of a new push by federal immigration officials to crackdown on illegal immigration. After years of raiding workplaces to flush out undocumented immigrants, federal officials are now shifting their focus on the employers who knowingly hire them.

This policy contrasts with the way in which the Bush administration handled undocumented workers. His administration staged highly publicized raids on worksites that lead to thousands of deportations of illegal immigrants.

Obama criticized the policy saying it split up families and let employers off the hook.

Whether you are a person facing deportation or would like to enter the U.S. legally, the assistance of an immigration attorney can increase your chances of getting the necessary legal status to work in the U.S. Immigration lawyers understand the complex laws and can be a great asset in any immigration case.