Atlanta 12/28/2011 3:07:11 AM
News / Law

Indiana Man Confesses To Murder, Dismemberment of 9 Yr Old Aliahna Lemmon

Police say 39-year-old Fort Wayne, Indiana resident Michael Plumadore has confessed to killing 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon by beating her in the head with a brick and then using a hacksaw to dismember her body. Plumadore has been charged with first degree murder and is being held in jail without bond.

According to court documents released Tuesday, Plumadore beat Aliahna to death at his Fort Wayne home in the early morning hours of Thursday, December 22. He hid her body in a freezer at his home until later Thursday evening. He then cut off the child’s head, feet and hands and stored them in the freezer. Plumadore dumped the rest of her body at a nearby business. Aliahna’s remains were discovered Monday.  

Aliahna and her two sisters were staying with Plumadore while their mother, Tarah Souders, was recovering from the flu, according to the girl’s grandmother Amber Story. Story’s husband David described Plumadore as a “trusted family friend.”

Plumadore initially told police he woke up Friday morning to find Aliahna gone. He claimed her sisters told him she had left with their mother. Plumadore said he did not discover Aliahna was actually missing until after 8 p.m. when he talked to Souders.

The motive for the killing is still unclear. Aliahna suffered from vision, hearing and emotional problems, according to Souders.


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