In recent years, Christian rehab centers have increasingly grown in popularity as a choice for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. However, many Christian rehab centers are often not accredited by JCAHO (Joint Commission of Accredited Health Organizations). The fact that addiction treatment centers are not JCAHO accredited does not necessarily mean they are not quality facilities. JCAHO accreditation is the highest level of certification for hospitals and other patient care facilities. Accreditation does add to the feeling of safety and security for people wishing to seek help for their drug or alcohol addiction.
Christian rehab centers often incorporate a holistic, or whole body, approach to addiction treatment. Many of the treatments used at these addiction treatment centers are new, but therapies like acupuncture, massage, yoga and tai chi have been proven to make the transition to sobriety much more pleasant. Many Christian rehab centers are just starting out, and it takes time to achieve JCAHO accreditation. The standards for JCAHO accreditation are quite high and standards must be met. Despite this, choosing a Christian rehab center that does not yet have JCAHO accreditation does not mean that a patient will not receive quality treatment for their addiction.
Accreditation is a process that could take four to six months to achieve. Once an addiction treatment center achieves JCAHO accreditation, it is good for three years. The application for accreditation by JCAHO costs money, and many Christian rehab centers lack the funds to complete the application. When addiction treatment centers receive accredited status, they are recognized as having reached the highest standards of patient care in their field. While it is preferable to choose an addiction treatment center that has achieved JCAHO accreditation, such as The Christian Treatment Center, it is not the only marker of being successful in the treatment of addiction.