Lake Worth 1/3/2012 4:25:53 AM
News / Education

Maybe You Are Not Really An Addict: A Call To A Drug Rehab Can Help You Decide

Drug Counselors Can Provide Answers

It is very possible that you may not be an addict or an alcoholic.  Perhaps others in your life are telling you you have a problem but you are just not convinced.  Many people ask themselves whether or not they really fit the profile of an addict.  There are many answers to questions that need to be addressed before making that determination. A phone call to a drug rehab can help you decide whether or not you are an addict, and if so, how to get help to start on the road to recovery.

There are several key questions that a drug rehab will ask to determine whether or not you are an addict. Some of  the most useful questions will be about the manageablity of your life. Do you continue to choose to use despite negative consequences?  Do you find yourself drunk or high even when you have fully intended to quit? Does it seem that use of drugs or alcohol has overshadowed every aspect of your life? Addiction can damage careers, relationships and financial security. If drugs and  alcohol seem to be in control of your life then the answer is probably yes as to whether or not you are an addict.

It can be difficult to make that initial phone call. You might not like the answer that you hear. It is important to remember, however, that the answer might just save your life. People who work at drug rehabs understand the disease of addiction, and know exactly how to help addicts get treatment and be on the right path.  They understand that it can be hard to hear these questions, and even harder to answer them truthfully. If you truly want to get sober and healthy, then you will take the process seriously and if you learn that you are an addict, commit to getting treatment at a drug rehab. It might not be that drug rehab that you called, but it should be a quality drug rehab. Your life depends on it.