Houston, TX 1/4/2012 3:42:12 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Conoco Phillips Appeals $15 Million Asbestos Lawsuit

In 2010, a jury awarded a former oil well-worker $15.2 million, because he contracted a lung disease during his employment. Now the company ordered to pay the lawsuit, Conoco Phillips is appealing the decision.

According to the original lawsuit, Troy Lofton was exposed to asbestos for twenty years working in the oil refinery industry and developed asbestosis, which requires he use an oxygen tank 24 hours a day. The jury awarded Lofton $15 million because they believed that Conoco Phillips knowingly shipped a product that contained asbestos and was responsible for exposing oil refinery workers to the carcinogen for over 20 years.

Mesothelioma attorneys have won numerous lawsuits for many individuals exposed to asbestos by negligent employers that failed to warn employees that asbestos is present in the materials they work with and also failed to provide adequate protection from exposure.

In Lofton’s case he was working with a mud that contained 99 percent asbestos. He, along with other workers, used the mud on a daily basis during his employment.

Prolonged exposure to asbestos can cause a range lung diseases including mesothelioma. It can take decades for this disease to manifest in a patient and a mesothelioma lawyer can pinpoint the source of exposure if the affected goes forward with litigation.

The hearing for appeal is January 30th.                           

It is not unusual for a mesothelioma attorney to win such a large settlement for victims of asbestos-related diseases, especially when they can demonstrate how much people suffer from the illnesses caused by this hazardous material.